+91 - 98490 39792, 99120 71091



Age Group: 2.5 to 3.5 years

It’s an exciting time for children as they explore the world around them and start interacting with others.We know children are very inquisitive at this age. We support curiosity and offer encouragement to explore and discover new answers. Each child develops talents and abilities through play which is observed well by the teacher. Teachers help children by conducting various activities for kids which help them discover by themselves.The child is allowed to grow at his/her own pace under the right guidance.
There’s a progression of child development milestones that children typically pass through.

Our teaching approach engages young minds with a blend of music, art, storytelling and movement. This approach uses an explosion of language that allows them to interact more verbally, giving us a clearer insight into their perceptions. A Constructive learning opportunity is given to children to discover and move on.